This event is FREE and OPEN TO ALL.
Please tell us you are coming by registering via our Eventbrite Page.
This workshop provides a platform to discuss the ways in which the profession encourages and promotes emerging talent. We hope to learn about the current barriers in the profession from those on the front line, and how we can improve the conditions for those who are and will be the face of the profession to the wider society.
Ideas on how to engage with and encourage future generations to participate are vital to bring about change. This ought to be an inclusive, well-rounded cohort.
Having architects from diverse backgrounds can help better serve minority groups in society. This isn’t to say that one type of people will make better architects than others, rather people seek familiarity and are more willing to participate in a process if they see themselves, or versions of themselves, already engaged.
One group of people may not fully understand the needs of another with different beliefs, who face different challenges and, ultimately, lead a different existence.
If our role as architects, designers and consultants is a public service, then our profession ought to reflect those we serve. And perhaps, currently, it does. I hope we can work towards a more inclusive version of the profession and that this workshop provides an opportunity to encourage discussion and affect change.
The DISCOURSE workshops series form part of the GIA's new Strategy Committee consultations on the forthcoming RIAS 5 Year Plan.
Find out more about the GIA Strategy Committee here.