RIAS Strategy
The GIA Strategy Committee was established as part of the wider RIAS Chapter-Led consultation process to feed into the new RIAS 5-Year Strategy (2018-2023).
The aim of this consultation process is to clarify the role of RIAS going forward, and to ensure its relevance into the future via a series of open engagement events.
The new RIAS 5-Year Strategy 2018-2023
The recently formed RIAS Strategy Group, consisting of all Chapter Representatives, has agreed a timetable for adopting the new RIAS 5-year strategy. Integral to this process involves consultation with current RIAS members, non-members, potential and future members as widely as possible.
A series of Chapter-Led Strategy Consultations will be taking place across Scotland during 2018 with the aim of establishing members' views and priorities. This will clarify the role of RIAS going forward to ensure its relevance into the future. Each Chapter is undertaking consultations in its own way. For example, the fantastic Edinburgh Architectural Association “Coarum" workshop series is already underway.
The GIA, with many Chapter-based architects and students, has been at the forefront of discussions concerning the future of the RIAS in association with key RIAS Council representatives since September 2017.
This forthcoming events series represents The Next Chapter in these discussions.
Discourse: The Next Chapter
A Series of Strategy Workshops
In order to capture and record thoughts and ideas regarding the focus of the new RIAS 5-year strategy and vision going forward, the GIA Strategy team has programmed a series of practice-based workshops during September and October 2018.
Under the umbrella title of DISCOURSE: THE NEXT CHAPTER, each workshop will focus on a range of themes and issues.
All events are FREE and OPEN TO ALL - please remember to register your attendance via the Eventbrite link on the main event pages.
Forthcoming Events:
If you would like to host a workshop around a complementary theme between September-October 2018, please get in touch with the GIA Strategy Team at communications@gia.org.uk
Past Events:
As part of the wider engagement process a questionnaire, led by the Inverness Architectural Association (IAA), will be available to all practitioners of architecture.
Once it is ready, we will provide a link to the questionnaire via this webpage.
Contact the GIA Strategy Team
If you would like to contact the GIA Strategy Team about any events, the questionnaire, or with any questions you might have about the RIAS 5-year Strategy, please email us at communications@gia.org.uk and state 'GIA Strategy' in the subject field.
We look forward to welcoming you to these future events, reading your responses to the forth-coming questionnaire and hearing your views.