The Passivhaus EnerPHit Standard has been internationally recognised as an exemplar approach to building renovation. This webinar looks at the significance of utilising EnerPHit requirements and their associated benefits for the renovation of St Sophia's Primary School. The project was awarded funding as part of the Learning Estate Investment Programme (LEIP) in December 2020. The refurbishment of this school aims to set new benchmarks for sustainable development, meeting EnerPHit standards while also creating an innovative and beautiful modern learning environment. This webinar will cover the project development, as well as delving into questions around embodied carbon and whole life carbon (WLC) in retrofit projects.
This refurbishment, in East Ayrshire, will be a UK-first in terms of renovating an existing primary school to the EnerPHit standard.
Event Info
5pm - 5.05pm (5mins) - Welcome and intro to session
5.05 - 5.15pm (10mins) - Client project intro / next projects (EAC)
5.15 - 5.50pm (35mins) - Retrofit challenge & Detail on project development (Sarah Lewis)
5.50 - 6.05pm (15mins) - Embodied Carbon in Retrofit (James Parker)
6.05 - 6.20pm (15mins) - Q&A
6.25 - 6.30pm (5mins) - Close
Event Details
This is a FREE Online event.
A virtual waiting room will open 15 minutes before the event starts.
Events will be recorded and made available on the GIA website.
Please keep an eye out for your confirmation email that will include the 'Join Link' for
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